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4 Wilmington Mechanic Jobs Found
Tito R
Wilmington, Delaware
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Once in a lifetime Auto Mechanic Job Offer
In need of an Auto Mechanic who would love to start earning at $700.00 a week, paid life insurance, monthly incentives, yearly bonuses, and...
In need of an Auto Mechanic who would love to start earning at $700.00 a week, paid life insurance, monthly incentives, yearly bonuses, and paid vacations. I'm looking for someone who can work with the owner in a clean, friendly, and family environment.
If you feel you are the candidate, please contact me at 302-4.... I'm looking to fill this position immediately.
Dan A
Wilmington, Delaware
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Truck Mechanic Wanted in the New Castle, Delaware area
Truck Mechanic wanted in the New Castle, DE area. We have been in business for 30 years. Must have 3 years experience. Must be able to...
Truck Mechanic wanted in the New Castle, DE area. We have been in business for 30 years. Must have 3 years experience. Must be able to work on tractor trailers, do inspections, brakes, etc. Must have your own tools. References and a valid driver's license required
Justin W
Wilmington, Delaware
Active over a week ago
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Looking for a Diesel Mechanic who can work on my diesel 1992 GMC Vandura 3500 6.2L engine
Hello, I live in Wilmington, De and I am in need of a good diesel mechanic who can work on my Diesel 1992 GMC vandura 3500. I had a new fue...
Hello, I live in Wilmington, De and I am in need of a good diesel mechanic who can work on my Diesel 1992 GMC vandura 3500. I had a new fuel injector put in recently. And the guy who put it in can't get it running still.
I'm a paint contractor in Wilmington, I would like to barter some mechanic service for painting in your house/ apt. Thank you for your interest. Please cont...
Margaret R
Wilmington, Delaware
Active over a week ago
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Landscaper Mechanic
We're a landscaping company that needs an on site mechanic. It would be part time, so someone that is retired or middle aged would be best b...
We're a landscaping company that needs an on site mechanic. It would be part time, so someone that is retired or middle aged would be best because we would only need you to come in once or twice a week to repair and check up on things. Needs to know how to repair lawn mowers, weed whackers, ect. Along with light truck repair. $12-$15 hourly.
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