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2 Lone Tree Mechanic Jobs Found
Brandi V
Lone Tree, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Need to find a local mechanic who can fix vehicle in garage.
It's a classic Ford Mustang (66') - engine appears to be in good shape, recently changed oil. Believe the fuel line is plugged to get it st...
It's a classic Ford Mustang (66') - engine appears to be in good shape, recently changed oil. Believe the fuel line is plugged to get it started.
Justin H
Lone Tree, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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I need help with replacing front brake pads and maybe rotors asap
Moved here recently and looking to establish a longer term relationship with an affordable mechanic that is exceptional at their job. I own...
Moved here recently and looking to establish a longer term relationship with an affordable mechanic that is exceptional at their job. I own a 2012 Mazda 6. I need several things done, but the first and most urgent are my front brakes and I need them fixed asap.
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